Applied Signatures: Balancing Efficiency with Dealer Liability

In recent years, the automotive industry’s heavyweights have been diving into solutions that digitize dealership documents. Among these advancements lies the realm of e-signatures, where the illustrious “Applied” signatures take center stage. Picture this: consumers grace the first document with their ‘Wet’ signature, and thereafter, a simple click bestows their digital seal on subsequent forms. […]

“Compliance” Has Become a Buzzword

Fresh off the buzzing floors of NADA 2024, it’s crystal clear: “Compliance” has become the Kardashian of the automotive world—everywhere you turn, but with substance thinner than rice paper wrap. A disconcerting trend has emerged:  dealerships often fall prey to solutions marketed as panaceas for regulatory adherence, only to discover their inadequacy when faced with […]

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